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7 Instagram Design Inspiration Ideas for your Business

By Chantal Waterson

· Design

How do I stay current? How do I distinguish my product from all the others? How do I best use my Instagram account? If you are struggling with questions like these then join the queue. Instagram can be a fantastic tool to increase your customer base and sell your amazing products or it can be a glut of images and uninspiring posts. Which one sounds more like your business? If you want an account that cuts through and really grabs the attention of potential customers, here are 7 easy to follow design tips to take your business to the next level. By using some or all of these concepts you’ll create an account that people will visit, share and come back to time and time again. With a following like this you’ll have a captive audience ready to buy your amazing products.

1. Glam it up

Look through the latest design websites/blogs/magazines and find the newest colour, design trend or accessories and incorporate them into your post. It may be pastels, marble, concrete or leather that you insert into your latest product shot that really adds that something special. This will also help your customers to see how your products look in a current, on trend vignette.

2. Get into the great outdoors

Nothing beats a great vista or a bit of greenery. Get outdoors and get creative with your images and product placement. The great thing about nature is that it is constantly changing. Depending on the time of year or what type of product you have; there is a location just right for you. From the cool calm beachy vibe, a hard and unforgiving desert scene, a peaceful mountain lake to a fun filled wildflower meadow. Choose your genre, pack a picnic and get shooting.

3. Don’t get too serious

When we laugh our customers laugh with us! Sometimes life is serious enough without our Instagram adding to the mix. Customers always appreciate a good laugh and are more likely to share your account with friends or look into your account further if you add some humour.

4. Action Jackson

Take your camera to your favourite cafe, restaurant, shopping strip or secret city location and capture a still of life as it is happening. Tell people why you love your location and take them on a journey with you. If customers can see what inspires your creativity they are more likely to buy into what you are offering. Rain, hail or shine the beauty of inner city locations will always stand out.

5. Involve your Customers

Sometimes the best endorsements for your product or company are the people who use it. Ask customers to post images of them using your product. Not only does it allow for interaction between you and the customer but they can often come up with instagram gold. Harness their creativity and repost an image from an amazing location you may not be able to get to. Most important is to give credit where credit is due and acknowledge the original source.

6. Be Real

Everyone has an interesting story to tell, some just don’t know how to tell it. People like to know what makes you tick, where the products come from, what they are made of, how they are used etc. If you truly believe in what you’re selling, let the audience come on a journey with you. Show them how you do what you do. If you’re an them your creativity, if you’re a specialist in your field…. explain that to them, if your product is unique….let them know how. You are the biggest asset you have so let your instagram account reflect that.

7. Create your own Photography Studio

You don’t need the most expensive equipment or a dedicated studio to create unforgettable posts. Find the best light you can in your home or office (it may be a lounge room, laundry, break room or heaven forbid even a toilet!!!) The point is once you set it up with some simple props, add your product and zoom in, people only see the great light not the surrounding area. Once you find your spot, all you are limited by is your imagination.

If you'd like my help with telling your brand story, you can get in touch with me here!